Beneficiile alaptarii pentru mama / copil
  • Alaptatul pana la cel putin 2 ani
  • Avantajele alaptarii pentru mama si pentru bebelus
  • Informatii succinte in alaptare
  • Mituri in alaptare
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Alimentatia mamei care alapteaza
  • Nu exista alimente pe care o mama trebuie sa le evite pt ca alapteaza! Recomandarea universal valabila este sa mananci ce iti place [...]
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Fiziologia lactatiei
  • Nutritie in sarcina si alaptare
  • Cum se produce laptele matern
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Compozitia laptelui matern
  • Laptele matern este unic in compozitie si asigura toate elementele nutritive necesare copilului pana la varsta de 6 luni si ramane [...]
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Probleme aparute in alaptare
  • Probleme in alaptare
  • Pozitii alaptare
  • De ce nu vrea bebe sa suga?
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Patologia sanului
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Ora magica / contact skin to skin
  • Tine-ti copilul piele pe piele in prima ora dupa nastere. Fiecare nou-nascut trece prin 9 stadii instictiv, cand are loc contactul [...]
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Organizatia mondiala a sanatatii

08 Mar 2015
mihaela drilea
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Rar imi sta in fire sa NU scriu despre un subiect de genul : SUZETA, ALIMENTE COMPLEMETARE OFERITE BEBELUSULUI ALAPTAT INAINTE DE 6 LUNI (APA, SUC, CEAI…) SAU A COMPOZITIEI LAPTELUI MATERN, dar astazi, de ziua femeii, mamelor :) va ofer informatiile oficiale privind alaptarea exclusiva si inceperea diversificarii.

Ca un mic rezumat, totusi, nu ma pot abtine J…in primele 6 luni de viata nou−nascutul nu are nevoie de nimic altceva decat de lapte matern, nici apa (nu ii este sete, deoarece laptele matern in prima faza hidrateaza), nici de ceai anticolici (cel mai bine ar fi sa bea mama daca totusi considera ca este cazul, prin laptele matern isi va face efectul) nici suc…. pentru vitamine (prin laptele matern, pe care este capabil si sistemul sau digestiv sa−l digere, primeste toate elemetele nutritive de care are nevoie) si nimic altceva….inclusiv suzeta, este ca si cum i−am pune un calus in gura, atunci cand are ceve de comunicat. Ganditi−va putin cum v−ati simti voi daca sotul/partenerul vostru de viata, dragostea voastra, atunci cand aveti o problema v−ar ignora, sau mai mult v−ar spune sa taceti?! Atunci cand un bebelus plange are o nevoie, cel mai bun lucru este sa identificam ce anume doreste si sa−l ajutam. Asa cum in cele 9 luni minunate de sarcina am avut grija la ceea ce mancam, ce facem, sa mergem la doctor, sa facem analize…..acum avem in brate cea mai minunata fiinta din lume, si aceasta minunta fiinta ne iubeste pe noi mai mult decat ne putem imagina, pentru un bebelus noi suntem totul, asa dragoste pura nu vom mai intalni niciodata, si noi ce facem? Il lasam sa planga ca sa nu se invete in brate, sau la noi in pat, sau ii dam suzeta pentru ca nu vrem iarasi sa se−nvete in brate, sau cum plange ii dam un biberon crezand ca laptele matern nu este suficient, sau destul de bun…..asta trebuie sa se schimbe si la noi in tara!!!!! Aceasta mentalitate invechita nu aduce decat profit companiilor producatoare de lapte praf si deznadejde mamelor care nu pot tine piept societatii centrate pe profit. Suntem tot ceea ce ii trebuie unui bebelus! Puterea este la noi, avem numai un lucru de schimbat….si anume sa avem incredere in noi si in copilul nostru, restul vine de la sine.

In curand, pentru ca sunt tare pornita, voi scrie si despre Codul interntional de Marketing al Substituentilor de Lapte Matern.


Breastfeeding is the normal way of providing young infants with the nutrients they need for healthy growth and development. Virtually all mothers can breastfeed, provided they have accurate information, and the support of their family, the health care system and society at large.

Colostrum, the yellowish, sticky breast milk produced at the end of pregnancy, is recommended by WHO as the perfect food for the newborn, and feeding should be initiated within the first hour after birth.

Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended up to 6 months of age, with continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to two years of age or beyond.

Breast milk is the best food for the healthy growth and development of infants. Infants should be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life to achieve optimal growth, development and health. After six months, they should be fed adequate and safe complementary foods while continuing breastfeeding for up to two years or beyond.

Complementary foods should be rich in nutrients and given in adequate amounts. At six months, caregivers should introduce foods in small amounts and gradually increase the quantity as the child gets older. Young children should receive a variety of foods including meat, poultry, fish or eggs as often as possible. Infants can eat pureed, mashed and semi−solid foods beginning at 6 months, from 8 months, most infants can eat 'finger' foods, and from 12 months, most children can eat the same types of foods as consumed by the rest of the family. The consistency of foods should be appropriate for the child's age. Complementary foods should be given 2−3 times a day between 6−8 months, increasing to 3−4 times a day between 9−11 months. Between 12−23 months of age, 3−4 meals should be given. Also, depending on the child's appetite, 1−2 nutritious snacks can be offered between meals.

In addition to providing an adequate variety, amount and frequency of foods, it is important that caregivers practice responsive feeding. That is, they should feed infants directly and assist older children when they feed themselves; feed slowly and patiently and encourage children to eat, but not force them; and when children refuse to eat, experiment with different combinations of foods. Feeding times are periods of learning and love − they are a time for caregivers to talk to the child, making eye to eye contact.

These recommendations are made in the Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding, which was jointly developed by WHO and UNICEF in 2003.

The strategy is a guide for countries to develop policies and implement activities addressing feeding practices and the nutritional status, growth and health of infants and children. It is based both on the evidence that nutrition plays a crucial role in the early months and years of life, and on the importance of appropriate feeding practices in achieving optimal health.

Lack of appropriate feeding in early childhood is a major risk factor for ill−health throughout the course of life. The life−long impact may include poor school performance, reduced productivity, impaired intellectual and social development, or chronic diseases.

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